If you'd like to bank transfer, please use the details below:

Bank: Westpac
BSB: 032 097
Account number: 278 223
Payment reference: Your full name

To receive a receipt for donations via bank transfer, please email donations@raise.org.au
with your contact details and quote the payment reference.


We respect your privacy. Your personal information is collected, used and disclosed by Raise Foundation in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
The policy covers the type of information we collect and how it may be used, how to access or update your personal information and how to contact us if you have any questions.  


Teenage years are tough

  • Suicide

    is the leading cause of death for young people

  • 1 in 4

    young people feel lonely all or most of the time

  • 1 in 6

    young people feel negative or very negative about the future

Your donation helps to improve the lives of young people

As demonstrated in our impact, mentoring sees improvements in young people’s hope for the future – hope is a buffer against stress, anxiety and suicide ideation. 

Through mentoring, young people develop trust in adults, improve communications and can ask for help. Developing resilience through our program improves young people’s ability to push through stress, and increases their confidence and coping skills so they can better cope with adversity. 

Improving relationships with peers and teachers, young people in our program gain a sense of school belonging, making them more likely to engage and achieve academic confidence, leading to better grades and attendance.



So far, you've helped us

Your gift makes it
all possible

Your funds help us to continue our important work in the evaluation of our programs so that we can prove and improve our youth mentoring programs year on year.
Through funding we are able to place professionally qualified Program counsellors in every school to supervise the program and expertly match the mentors with their mentees.
You enable us to safely recruit, screen and run industry leading training for our mentors, equipping them with the skills needed to help young people better cope and navigate life's challenges . 
Funds enable one-to-one support with the same mentor for 6 months, providing an individual solution that’s focused on the concerns and needs of each student. Changing the course of a young person's life.
Your help means we can provide the supporting materials, tools and systems that the schools, young people, mentors and program counsellors need to run the most effective programs. 
Supporting Raise you will create thriving communities as our program touches the lives of so many, from young people and school communities, to the parents and mentors.
Your funds help us to continue our important work in the evaluation of our programs so that we can prove and improve our youth mentoring programs year on year.
Through funding we are able to place professionally qualified Program counsellors in every school to supervise the program and expertly match the mentors with their mentees.
You enable us to safely recruit, screen and run industry leading training for our mentors, equipping them with the skills needed to help young people better cope and navigate life's challenges.
Funds enable one-to-one support with the same mentor for 6 months, providing an individual solution that’s focused on the concerns and needs of each student. Changing the course of a young person's life.
Your help means we can provide the supporting materials, tools and systems that the schools, young people, mentors and program counsellors need to run the most effective programs. 
Supporting Raise you will create thriving communities as our program touches the lives of so many, from young people and school communities, to the parents and mentors.


Help us to reach more young people,
donate today


If you'd like to bank transfer, please use the details below:

Bank: Westpac
BSB: 032 097
Account number: 278 223
Payment reference: Your full name

To receive a receipt for donations via bank transfer, please email donations@raise.org.au
with your contact details and quote the payment reference.


We respect your privacy. Your personal information is collected, used and disclosed by Raise Foundation in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
The policy covers the type of information we collect and how it may be used, how to access or update your personal information and how to contact us if you have any questions.