Young people need mentor support

Young people across Australia are experiencing increased challenges that impact their wellbeing, and yet so many don’t have someone they can go to for support. We are amid a youth mental health crisis in our country.

  • Suicide

    is one of the leading causes of death for young people

  • 1 in 5

    young people feel lonely all or most of the time

  • 3 in 10

    young people would find it hard to turn to friends and family if they needed help

  • 1 in 6

    young people feel negative or very negative about the future

  • 1 in 4

    young people will experience bullying at school

  • 1 in 12

    young people are disengaged from education and work

Strategic impact plan

Strategic Plan 2024


Making a difference through mentoring

There are so many ways to get involved