Raise Learning

Raise Learning’s mentor skills training courses are essential for effective mentoring. Raise Learning equips and upskills anyone who lives, works, or volunteers with young people, whether they’re formally mentoring at work or in a program like Raise, or informally in their community, network or home. Being a mentor is a skill – and our mentor skills training courses ensure individuals are ready to shape young lives with confidence and purpose.


Raise’s industry-leading training has equipped over 10,000 individuals with the skills needed to be an effective and supportive mentor. These are some of the organisations we have collaborated with tailoring our training packages to meet their specific needs.

Future Impact Group

NSW Education Zurich Foundation The University of Sydney Business


Future Impact Group

NSW Education


Zurich Foundation

The University of Sydney Business


Our comprehensive training ensures that participants have the knowledge and skills to effectively support and show up for young people in a meaningful way.

“One confiding relationship with an adult, not necessarily a parent, is one of the single best predictors of psychological health and vitality amongst children and adolescents faced with a wide range of adversities” (Spencer, 2002)



What we offer

Why choose Raise Learning?

Evaluations of our training courses demonstrate that the skills participants learn and acquire are transferable in all aspects of their lives. Participants, whether leading a team at work or volunteering in their local community, consistently report feeling more capable in leadership, communication, and connection with younger generations. Additionally, research reveals that when adults enhance their mentoring skills through Raise, it positively impacts two more young people and another adult – creating a positive ripple effect throughout our communities.