Closing the Mentoring Gap

Research from the US suggests that more than one in three young people grow up without a mentor outside their family, and this gap continues to grow.

Gen Z, in particular, is struggling to find the support they need, with 9% fewer reporting having a mentor compared to their millennial peers. While we don’t have the exact data for Australia, we see similar trends at Raise, and it’s clear that the mentoring gap is growing here too.

At Raise, we are committed to closing that gap by offering mentoring programs across the country and fostering systemic changes to ensure that young people have access to caring adult mentors.

We know that many people are eager to mentor but hold back due to misconceptions. Let’s address some of those myths and show how anyone can be a great mentor.


Myth 1: "I’m Too Old or Too Young to Be a Mentor"

One of the most common concerns we hear from prospective mentors is around age—whether feeling too old or too young for the role. But when we speak with our mentees, they rarely mention age as a factor. What they care about most is finding someone who will listen to them without judgment.

Cara, from our Volunteer Engagement Team, highlights that everyone brings something unique to mentoring. Last year, our mentors ranged in age from 20 to 80+, with 33% born overseas and 27% speaking a language other than English at home. It’s this diversity that makes our programs inclusive and supportive.

“It’s been very supportive and inclusive. I feel like everyone has a place at Raise.” – Mentee 2023

Our diverse group of mentors proves that age isn’t a barrier—what matters most is the ability to listen, support, and care.


Myth 2: "What Could I Bring to a Young Person?"

Many potential mentors worry that they don’t have much to offer or that their mentee won’t like them. But what our mentees consistently say is that they are simply looking for someone who listens and provides a safe space for them to talk openly.

If you’re comfortable listening and creating a supportive environment, you’re already bringing more than you might think. Mentoring is about showing up, being present, and offering a non-judgmental ear.

“Just by showing up each week and listening, you are helping a young person gain new skills and grow in confidence.” – Mentor 2023


Myth 3: "I’ve Never Worked with Young People Before"

Another common concern is the lack of experience working with young people. While none of us knows exactly what it’s like to be a teenager in 2024, we’ve all been teenagers at some point. What our mentors learn is that meeting young people where they are is more important than previous experience.

Lucy, our Data and Youth Insights Director, shares that even mentors who have been with us for years learn something new each time they mentor. Mentoring is a journey for both the mentor and mentee, and we provide training and support every step of the way.

“The training opened my eyes to new approaches, not only in mentoring but in my personal life too.” – Mentor 2023


Myth 4: "I Don’t Have Any Qualifications in Counselling"

Our programs team has worked with young people for over 15 years. Mentees are not asking us to give them a counsellor. What young people ask for is a safe space to talk and be listened to.

In fact, 98% of our mentees last year said they felt safe talking to their mentor, and that’s because of the supportive environment mentors provide, not their qualifications.

At Raise, we offer extensive training so that you’ll feel confident in your ability to support your mentee. Our training, combined with weekly support sessions, ensures that you’ll always have the tools and guidance you need.


Closing the Mentoring Gap Together

Mentoring is about showing up, listening, and offering support. If you’re keen to close the mentoring gap and make a real difference in a young person’s life, consider joining us at Raise. We provide the training, resources, and support you need to become a great mentor.

Apply today and help us ensure that every young person has access to a mentor who cares.

Apply now


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